Murph, ...Get Up Murph !

 Headed down to Nashville a couple weeks ago to play with some legends in the songwriting world. It was for a thing called Tin Pan South. I was scheduled to play with Larry Weiss, Peter Yarrow and Roger Cook. These guys had written some classic songs, Rhinestone Cowboy, Puff The Magic Dragon, I'd Like to Teach The World To Sing,....not to mention others that you would most certainly know. Was a great time...Peter Yarrow went first , then i went second and belted out my only pseudo hit " A Wall I Must Climb" and then Roger Cook said, in his most gentle English Accent....." Jesus i hope i don't have to follow Michael all night " to which everybody laughed......Heather is a huge Peter, Paul and Mary fan and Peter, ended up calling her after the show and had a very nice chat.

Funny how life can keep you in check.  So i'm feeling on top of the world and i go to the airport for the quick turn and burn trip. So i see this film crew following around a very earnest looking bunch of musicians. " Oy " i think to myself......Sure enough, they are on my flight.....and the singer of the band has his guitar out at the gate......" Oy" i think again..." Are you serious?"  They start boarding and these guys get on i think.....well whatever label they are on must believe to pay the extra dough for the entire entourage to be boarding early.  I finally board, and see these guys are filming that singer guy who is in the aisle seat in row if the Pope were giving the homily.
I of course am in the last row, window seat. Symbolic i thought. Then half way through the flight they say what a treat it is to have Mat Kearney on he proceeds to sing his new single into the little announcement microphone and had to do it 3 times so the film crew could film it. Then they asked the entire plane to go crazy with applause as they go down the aisle , i said, i was in the last row, i was trying to take a if you see this footage somewhere.....look for the angry guy in the last row, who isn't applauding . Life, can give you a reality check pretty quick. Wish i could have basked in my night before a little longer, but life moves on, and you gotta move on with it.

This past weekend i got back from New Jersey where we were filming a new video for the new record. Some of the video has me in the ring with former professional boxer and current UFC fighter Scott Fairlamb. Most of it was staged, but to make it real i had to take a few shots, not at full strength but full enough. My neck is still killing me days later. There's nothing like getting punched in the face and body to wake you up real quick. The video was directed by Brian Fitzpatrick and his amazing crew for the 3rd video we've done......this one is pretty drastically different from our past work together, but then again, so is the song......Look for it soon. Up to Green Bay this week to open for Paul Thorn, who i've heard many great things about.

I'm heading to see an intuit next week......that oughta be interesting......

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